What a blue tooth can do to you.

This is what I looked like 2 weeks after a Bluetooth fried my seventh caranial nerve and paralyzed the whole left side of my face.

I could not blink my eye or shut it for 5 months.

Thanks to many many acupunture treatments, I finally was able to shut my eye.

It started coming back by my lips and slowly worked it's way up my face to the top of my forehead. Finally all my wrinkles came back.

It has been 2 1/2 years now and I still have numbness around my ear and in front of and below my ear. I still have dead nerves around my eye because I can feel a tugging now and then.

I am thankful for the nerves that did come back.

My acupunture DR. says you don't give up on nerves for 3 to 5 years, so am hoping for a complete recovery.

It was a miserable nasty experience.

Here you can see how swelled up my face got.

it was very very painful....


 Either dont wear one or wear EMF protection.